Thursday, January 10, 2008

Trout...It's What's for Dinner!

Intrigued by a continuation of the Emeril Healthy Fast episode, made this trout dish on Monday. I am such a slack about updating this blog thing.

Anyway, the dish turned out fab EXCEPT for one thing. The nice guy at the fish counter at Whole Foods lied to me when he said that this trout was boneless. Greg and I spent 1/2 the dinner picking the bones out of the thing. Next time I'll use a nice Halibut or Seabass. But overall flavor was good. And it was EASY. Less than 1o min prep. Schwing!

Emeril's Recipe:,,FOOD_9936_100267,00.html

1 comment:

Honeyed Hashette said...

YUM! That's a bummer about the bones.