Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sweetless for Lent.

Lately I've been eating way too much of this...

(fab cinnamon roll in a cafe in Buffalo)

and this...

(the famous Stan's Donuts in Santa Clara..thanks Yelpers)

and this...

(fab cupcakes from Sara Lyn's in SF)

So when Lent came around, I hemmed and hawed for a few days...but then I committed. Mostly.

No sweets/desserts for Lent. I'm a Catholic but never really truly 'practiced'. To be honest...this is more about 'can I really do it for 35 days (it was supposed to be 40 but the hemming and hawing took a few extra days)' than the whole God will love me more if I don't eat as much sugar (probably not since I'm way more cranky!). But really I just needed to reign in the sugar intake. Since I got the evil flu when I started, it's been quite easy actually. Maybe I already went through my 'detox'. But ask me on day 25 how I feel.

I can however have natural tart yogurt...a justification because it's (a) natural and (b) yogurt and (c) the only garnishes are fresh fruit. So I figure it's not really a dessert. Plus it has protein. Bonus.

(yummy tartness from Cafe Delatti)


Honeyed Hashette said...

I really want that cinnamon roll...

Honeyed Hashette said...

I really want that cinnamon roll...