Friday, December 21, 2007

Baking Overload.

So last nite I spent 4 hours baking goodies for my team cookie exchange, which was actually a ton of fun. We put the Christmas music on and I started making a whirlwind of a mess in the kitchen!!! I only needed to make one type of cookies for the exchange but I've been researching them all week, so I got inspired and made three different types. Baking superwomanslashfriend Janna has been waxing on and on about SmittenKitchen.Com so I started checking out that blog and other baking blogs this week. So I had a little pile of 'I wanna try this!' placed in front of me. Oodles of european unsalted butter and light brown sugar later...I had my results and boy were they tasted. I took pictures the whole time, which Greg just finds hilarious and a little crazee, but after seeing those baking blog pictures, you'd be inspired to take photos of your handiwork too. I'm but a novice.

thumbprint dough.

beautiful organic sugar.

peanut butter dough.

finished peanut butter product.

apricot rugelach dry filling.

rugelach dough rolled & filled.

yum yum. solo baked rugelach.

rolls and rolls of rugelach.

cooled & packaged...tasty pretty.

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