Friday, November 30, 2007

Baby Fuzz.

I have a new 'first cousin once removed' ! Yep that's what it's called, I looked it up online. And the internet is ALWAYS right.

My cousin just had her first daughter last nite, 3 weeks early yet entirely healthy and ready to come out. The first great grandchild for my grandmother and the first baby to be born into our family for 17 years! As such there was a ton of excitement around the whole thing... everyone loves a baby to spoil, especially when that baby isn't theirs!!! Oh maybe that's just me. I just like being auntie Mara. Or in this case, First Cousin Once Removed Mara. FCOR. There's gotta be an easier term.

Photos below. It really scares me how happy Greg looks holding this baby. In fact, it scares me that I look happy too. Scared all around. But baby...Lily is her name, is SUPER CUTE. Apparently I looked like her when I was born. Which means Mara=Super Cute. I love math!!

1 comment:

Honeyed Hashette said...

Aww! She's so little...
I must say, you both look especially comfortable and content holding that little girl...
Hmmmm...maybe Lily's mommy will get her own first cousin once removed?
hee hee....